Day 71 of bed rest. This post has me so incredibly emotional. Its so hard to believe that I just completed my last full week of bed rest. I've spent everyday for 8 weeks inside the same room looking at the same four walls. In less than a week I will finally get to hold the little bundle of sweetness that I've worked so hard for. This chapter will close and I will begin a new exciting chapter of being a mother to my sweet Raylon. I'm so ready to be home and with my family all under one roof. I've never wanted or looked forward to anything more in my life. With this being my last post to make from a hospital bed I wanted to write a letter to my son for him to read when he is older.
To my Sweet Raylon Wayne,
We did it baby boy! We've made it to the end, strengthening one another each and everyday along the way. I know that you will never fully know or comprehend what we've endured together but someday I plan to tell you all about the craziness your momma and daddy went through to get you here. When I found out I was pregnant with you it was the shock of my life and the greatest surprise that God has ever blessed me with. I had no idea what all I would endure to get you here. I've learned so much over the past 36 weeks and there are somethings I want you to know.
First, let me tell you about your amazing Daddy. Your momma hit the JACKPOT when she met your Daddy. His face lights up when he talks about his baby boy that's on the way. He already loves you so much. I have no doubt that your Daddy will be your favorite comedian, your toughest coach, your biggest fan, and will ALWAYS give you the best bear hugs. He will make your life so much fun. I know this because he makes everyday better for your momma. Please know that I couldn't have made it through the past 36 weeks without the love and support of your Daddy. I can't wait to see the love the two of you will share.
Second, you are being blessed with the GREATEST grandparents. Maw Maw Lois, Paw Paw LZ, Gram, Nina, Shugs, Papa Scott, Grandma Toni, Drew, Gramps and Dilicia are all over the moon with excitement for your arrival. As you grow up you will learn that our big loud family is a little crazy but you will love us all the same. Family is extremely important to your Daddy and I and we plan on constantly surrounding you with people that love you and lift you up. Your grandparents have been the biggest support system for your mom and dad. When I ended up on bed rest they all stepped up to help us in anyway they could. We couldn't have done all this without their help.
Most importantly, let me tell you about your sweet Heavenly Father. There will never be anyone or anything that will be more reliable than Him. In my darkest moments of bed rest He was always there. When you hit rock bottom always remember to hit your knees, call out to Him and He will meet you. I pray that you will someday understand that you were created to worship Him and your greatest moments in life will be the ones you spend in His presence. Your Momma and Daddy love you but nothing like your Heavenly Father does. Never forget this.
Lastly, my sweet baby boy, I love you more than you will ever comprehend and my love for you will only grow from here on out. The past 71 days of bed rest have been so difficult but the moments I've loved were my alone time with you. All of my thoughts and energy have been on getting as far along in the pregnancy to let you grow and become stronger and stronger. There have been bad days but every time I'd stop and think of you or feel you kicking and it would keep me going. You taught me to be selfless, that I'm stronger than I ever imagined, and that I can love on a level I didn't know existed. I won't be a perfect mother and I will make mistakes along the way. But please know that I love you so much and I promise to try and raise you to be a strong Godly man that reaches for his dreams and that will love with all he has. You son are made to do great things. You are a fighter already and you don't even know it.
I can't wait to watch you grow. You are my sunshine and I'm already insanely blessed to be your Momma. I'd do this over and over again for you in a heartbeat.
I love you BUNCHES, forever and ever!
Love always,
Your Momma <3